His Presence; His Power
“I have a desire to live for Jesus but I don’t really spend time with Jesus.”
Maybe this statement resonates with you. Often times, as followers of Jesus we want to live a life for Jesus and by the power of Jesus. What we fail to recognize is that the power of Jesus in our lives is a direct result of being with Jesus.
Peter and John were filled with the Holy Spirit; enabling them to live boldly and courageously as they proclaimed the good news that Jesus is the Christ. These unschooled, ordinary men astonished the religious leaders with their words and the power behind their actions; and it was made clear that they had been with Jesus.
What we learn
There’s a difference between knowing about God and being empowered by God.
The religious leaders were well educated men. They were scholars of the law, but they missed the author of Life. Meanwhile, Peter and John were unschooled by men, but well equipped and empowered by Jesus.
2. Encounters with Jesus will lead to sharing Jesus.
Peter and John couldn’t help but to proclaim what they had seen and heard. Jesus had changed their life and the lives of many others and they couldn’t help but to proclaim the Good News. The religious leaders opposed their message, but they couldn’t stop Peter and John from sharing that message.
3. The works of Jesus aren’t about us, but about the power of Jesus working through us.
Peter and John were ordinary men. Their resume wouldn’t land them a seat at any table of influence. But the power of the Holy Spirit at work in them had an eternal influence. When the religious leaders saw the courage and boldness of Peter and John; they were astonished and knew they had been with Jesus.
Being with Jesus changes our heart; our words; our actions and ultimately our life. As He fills us up; we will pour out what we see from Him, hear from Him, learn from Him and experience with Him.
Spend time with Jesus.
Encounter Jesus.
Share Jesus with others.